the Best Time to Send Emails: Expert Studies Unveiled

5 Proven Insights on the Best Time to Send Emails: Expert Studies Unveiled

When you have to choose the most important factor while marketing. It is nothing but the time of sending the emails. Timing is the most valuable factor, for sure. When is the best time to send emails? This question has mystified marketers for a decade. But today’s extensive research and studies conducted by experts have revealed valuable insights to guide our email marketing strategies. Let us understand their findings from various studies to uncover the optimal send times and strategies for maximizing engagement and conversions.

Moosend’s Analysis: Leveraging Metrics and Continuous Refinement

Moosend’s analysis focuses on leveraging metrics and data refinement to optimize email send times. He has done continuous monitoring and analysis of key performance indicators (KPIs). Moosend emphasizes the iterative nature of email timing optimization. This clearly highlights the importance of data-oriented refinement in maximizing campaign success.

Brevo’s Insights: Analyzing Industry-Specific Timings

Brevo’s comprehensive analysis of email send times across different industries reveals intriguing insights into industry-specific timing patterns. By examining data from diverse sectors, including retail, finance, and healthcare, Brevo highlights the importance of tailoring send times based on the unique characteristics and behaviors of each industry’s audience.

GetResponse’s Research: Tailoring Timing to Email Nature

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GetResponse’s research emphasizes the significance of aligning email send times with the nature of the email content. Whether it is promotional or transactional emails, GetResponse’s calculated data-based approach underscores the importance of timing relevance in maximizing open rates and engagement.

the Best Time to Send Emails: Expert Studies Unveiled

Omnisend’s Study: Implementing GoalBased Timing Strategy

Omnisend’s study takes a goal-oriented approach to email timing. His main focus is on aligning send times with specific campaign objectives. He has analyzed metrics such as CTR and conversion rates. Omnisend also provides actionable insights into crafting goal-based timing strategies for different stages of the customer journey.

HubSpot’s Analysis: Understanding B2B vs. B2C Timing Dynamics

HubSpot’s analysis delves into nuances of B2B and B2C email timing. This recognizes the distinct characteristics and preferences of each audience segment. They have segmented data based on business type and target audience. HubSpot sheds light on tailored timing strategies to optimize engagement and drive results.

Salesforce’s Research: Personalization and Optimal Send Times

Salesforce’s research emphasizes the importance of personalization in determining optimal send times. They have leveraged data-based insights and customer preferences. Salesforce also highlights the effectiveness of personalized timing strategies in enhancing email relevance and driving engagement.

Synthesizing Findings


Day of the Week Insights

Studies consistently show that Tuesday and Thursday are among the most effective days for email marketing. This comes with higher open and CTR reported during these midweek periods. You can capitalize on peak engagement times and maximize campaign effectiveness by strategically scheduling emails on these days.

Navigating Peak Engagement Hours

Understanding peak engagement hours is crucial for optimizing email send times. Studies indicate that late morning and early afternoon hours tend to yield higher engagement rates. This is because people are more likely to check their emails during work breaks or downtime. By aligning send times with these peak periods, you can simply increase the likelihood of capturing recipients’ attention.

Adapting Timing Strategies for Different Audiences

Segmenting email send times based on audience type is essential for B2B and B2C marketers. B2B audiences may be more responsive during business hours on weekdays. B2C audiences may show higher engagement during evenings and weekends. You can enhance campaign relevance and effectiveness by tailoring timing strategies to suit the preferences and behaviors of each audience segment.

Strategies for Finding Your Ideal Send Times

Personalization through Audience Understanding

Understanding your audience preferences and behaviors is paramount for identifying optimal send times. You can tailor send times to align with recipients’ schedules and maximize engagement by analyzing past engagement patterns, demographic data, and subscriber preferences

Harnessing Analytics for Optimal Timing

A/B testing and analytics play a really crucial role in determining ideal email sending times for your email campaigns. You can refine their timing strategies and continuously optimize campaign effectiveness through experimenting with different send times. This is how you can easily monitor performance metrics and iterating based on insights.

Tailoring Content for Enhanced Engagement

In addition to timing, content optimization is key to driving subscriber engagement and growing your email list. You can easily improve the overall success of their email marketing by encouraging audience involvement.

General Email Send Time Tips

The timing of sending an email to potential customers can significantly impact the success of your campaigns. Here are some general tips to help you navigate the intricacies of email send times:

Daytime vs. Nighttime: Finding Optimal Window for Engagement

Understanding when your audience is most active can help you determine optimal send times. While daytime sends may catch recipients during work hours, nighttime sends could be more effective for capturing attention during leisure time.

Mad Mondays: Navigating the Start of the Week

Mondays can be hectic for many people as they transition back into work mode after the weekend. Consider sending emails later in the day to avoid getting lost in the Monday rush.

Weekends: Capitalizing on Leisure Time

Weekends offer an opportunity for recipients to catch up on emails and engage with content leisurely. Experiment with weekend sends to see if your audience is more responsive during this time.

Heads Up for an Event: Timing Alerts and Reminders Strategically

When sending event-related emails, timing is crucial. Schedule alerts and reminders strategically to ensure that recipients have enough time to take action or prepare for the event.

MidWeek Engagement Peaks

Studies have shown that Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are prime days for email engagement. Capitalize on these mid-week peaks by scheduling your most important emails during these days.

MidWeek, Mid-day: Seizing Opportunities for Increased Attention

Midweek, mid-day sends can catch recipients during breaks or lulls in their day. This is how you can grow the likelihood of engagement. Experiment with sending emails during these times to see if it boosts open and clickthrough rates.

Testing is Key: Finding Your Ideal Send Time

A/B testing is a very valuable tool for identifying optimal send times for your audience. Here are some key factors to consider when conducting A/B tests:

A/B Testing: Experimentation for Optimization

You can split your email list into segments and test different send times to see. This generates best results. Keep track of key metrics such as open rates. Also, keep an eye on CTR and conversion rates to determine the most effective timing.

the Best Time to Send Emails: Expert Studies Unveiled

Subject Line Importance: Capturing Attention from Start

The subject line plays a crucial role in email open rates. Try different subject lines in your A/B tests to see how they impact engagement at different send times.

Consider Other Factors: Contextual Considerations for Effective Timing Strategy

In addition to timing, consider other contextual factors that may influence email engagement. For example, the content of your emails, the frequency of emails, and seasonal trends can have different effects on the marketing campaign. Try these tips into your A/B testing strategy to gain a comprehensive understanding of what works best for your audience.


Moosend’s analysis reveals that Thursdays from 89 am deliver the highest email open rates, with Tuesdays following closely behind, while Saturdays see the lowest engagement. However, industry-specific factors and demographics, such as age and device usage, influence these patterns. While Wordstream highlights 89 am as optimal, HubSpot favors 11 am. Yet, mid-week, particularly on Thursdays, remains the consensus among studies.

Ultimately, successful timing hinges on experimentation and audience analysis. Moosend’s advanced analytics tools aid in tracking metrics and refining strategies, while automation ensures timely, personalized messages. Crafting compelling subject lines further boosts open rates. In conclusion, while Moosend’s insights are valuable, tailoring strategies to industry nuances and utilizing data-driven approaches are key to maximizing email campaign success.


What is the best time to send emails?

Finding the best time to send emails is totally upon your audience and industry. Studies show that around 10 am is often a good time. This is because people are focused and open to emails during their workday.

What is the best time send emails in 2024?

Calculating the ideal timing for email marketing in a given year is tough due to shifting consumer trends. Regularly tracking analytics and running A/B tests will pinpoint the optimal timing for your audience as the year progresses.

What day of the week is best for email marketing?

Pinpointing the perfect day for email marketing hinges on your content and audience. Typically, Tuesday and Thursday are preferred as people are in their weekly groove. Yet, experimenting with various days and scrutinizing engagement metrics is vital to uncovering the ideal day for your campaigns.

Is it better to send emails at night or in the morning?

The ideal time to send emails, be it morning or night, relies on your target audience’s habits. Morning emails could engage subscribers at the start of their day, while evening emails may resonate with those who check their inbox during leisure time. Conducting A/B tests can help determine the optimal timing for your specific audience.

What is the best and worst time to send marketing emails?

BEST TIME: Mid-morning, typically around 10 am. This is because when people are settled into their workday routine and more receptive to emails.

WORST TIME: Early morning or late at night when recipients may be less active or focused.

How many marketing emails can I send per day?

To maintain a balance between staying on top and avoiding overwhelming your subscribers:

BEST PRACTICE: Aim to send one to three emails per week. This is a common frequency in marketing practices.

OPTIMAL FREQUENCY: The right frequency depends on your audience preferences.

STRATEGY: Monitor engagement metrics and subscriber feedback to improve frequency for your specific campaigns.

How can email automation enhance efficiency and effectiveness in marketing campaigns?

Email automation can streamline marketing workflows. It can be done by allowing prescheduled, targeted emails to be sent based on specific triggers or user behaviors. This efficiency ensures timely and personalized communication.

This nurtures leads and engages customers throughout their journey. Automation also enables marketers to analyze data and refine strategies for better overall campaign effectiveness.

How does personalization contribute to customer retention in email marketing?

Personalization in email marketing involves tailoring content in individual preferences, behaviors and demographics. This personalized approach creates a more engaging and relevant experience for subscribers. This creates a sense of connection with the brand. Always try to send content that aligns with customer interests. This is how you can try email personalization. This plays a significant role in building loyalty and contributing to long-term customer retention.

What role does email design play in capturing and maintaining subscriber attention?

DESIGN: Craft visually appealing and well-structured emails for enhanced readability and professionalism.

ELEMENTS: Add attractive elements like compelling images, clear CTA to increase user experience.

RESPONSIVENESS: Employ responsive design that adapts to various devices facilitating easy engagement with your content.

RESULT: By using these tips, you increase the likelihood of capturing and maintaining subscriber attention.


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